Massage Schools Directory

Become a Massage Therapist: Find a Massage School in Massachusetts

Our directory is the leader in assisting massage therapy students in finding a massage school that best suited to their needs. We highlight and review a variety of massage schools in the MA area. We also list the licensing requirements to become a massage therapist in Massachusetts.

Massage Degrees, Massage Schools, Continuing Education and Massage Certification Programs in Massachusetts

Massage Therapy Schools in Massachusetts

Massachusetts State Massage Therapist licensing requirements: TThe state of Massachusetts licenses massage therapists through the Massachusetts Board of Registration of Massage Therapists. They require that each applicant complete 650 hours of study. Individual therapists are also required to have their own professional liability insurance. The board does not issue temporary licenses and you may not work as a massage therapist while you wait for your license. Expect to wait 4-6 weeks for your application to be approved. Annual renewal is required but continuing education classes are not.

Central Mass School of Massage and Therapy

Central Mass School of Massage and Therapy

Spencer, MA
Founded in 1970, this school’s goal is to prepare students for licensing requirements and a successful professional career in massage or spa therapy.
  • These massage programs do not require any prior medical training.
  • The school offers full-time and part-time class schedules as well as morning, afternoon, and evening classes. Each class is only three hours in length.
  • Students can study a variety of techniques that will give them many choices for future practice in the expanding field of massage.
  • A hands-on, interactive teaching style gives students confidence in their skills.
  • Business and ethics courses are a part of the full massage therapy program.
  • Individuals who complete the full massage program will exceed state requirements for licensing.

[ Get Info on Central Mass School of Massage and Therapy ]

Spa Tech Institute

Spa Tech Institute

Westboro, MA
[ Get Info on Spa Tech Institute ]

Cortiva Institute

Cortiva Massage Institute

Boston, MA
This school aims to develop caring, professional therapists who can make a healthy difference in people’s lives.
  • Courses that develop a good understanding of how the human body is structured and how it functions.
  • Courses emphasize safe and effective movement habits throughout training.
  • Business and communication skills education help to ensure students’ future success.
  • Students are prepared to pass the National Certification Exam in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork.
  • You can schedule a class observation if interested.
[ Get Info on the Cortiva Massage Institute ]

Lincoln College of Massage Therapy Program

Lincoln College of Massage Therapy Program

Somerville, Massachusetts
Massage Therapy is one of the many career programs offered at this school. Lincoln College has three campuses in Massachusetts.
  • Admissions Representatives will give students assistance in career planning and graduate placement assistance.
  • This school offers a variety of flexible learning avenues, including online courses.
  • One drawback to this program is that excellence in massage therapy is not the sole mission of the school.

[ Get Info on the Lincoln College of Massage Therapy Program ]

In conclusion, massage can be a rewarding career, and the right school can give you a great start.